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STEM Related Careers

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Based on the K-12 education system, STEM is one of the four strand of academic strand in Senior High School. Students who are interested in studying in this field have a lot og career opportunities in the future.

In this I am going to discuss some STEM related careers. This might help you to choose a strand for Senior High School. It might also encourage you to choose STEM as a strand. I assure you that STEM is a great choice for your future career paths.

In the STEM strand it is possible that you can have a wide selection for your future career in the field of science. Here are some possible careers in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics; as aeronautics professionals where they can work in aviation, aerospace and astronautics as engineers or technicians, biologist, research scientists, chemists, chemical engineers, pharmacologists, forensic scientists, hazardous waste chemists, civil engineer, structural engineer, geotechnical engineer, computer scientists, web developer, network architect, electrical engineer, computer engineer, environmental engineers, environmental scientists, industrial engineer, logisticians, IT consultants, math professor, mechanical engineer, doctors of different kinds, nurses, etc.

As you can see, there are lot of options and opportunities of possible careers related in STEM. Also one advantage of STEM related careers is that they are in demand especially now that we are in the world of advance technology. Compensation of this careers are also very encouraging.

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