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Choose STEM

Updated: Nov 25, 2020

There's a vast of options that you can choose only in STEM strand.

You can enjoy in this strand by simply doing the things you cannot do before.

“There is an enormous amount of work that has demonstrated that these (student-centered) strategies improve students’ learning and attitudes toward science,” said Stains, the study’s lead author and associate professor of chemistry at Nebraska. “It’s not just that they understand it better, but they also appreciate science more. They’re not as scared of it, and they engage more easily with it.

You will realize at the end that you did the good choice and love the passion that STEM strand given to you to improve yourself. There's an impact to you that you still doing it with the means of passion that has been created by yourself in STEM.

Community colleges should consider innovative ways of offering STEM pre‐ requisite courses with the highest failure rates, such as introductory chemistry and mathematics.

Successful strategies implemented by Kingsborough Community College include: offering “immersion” courses in which STEM students have the option to take difficult pre‐requisites during shorter, more intense semesters; providing flexible drop‐in tutoring; and breaking off into smaller peer‐led discussion groups. Colleges may also choose to compress remedial‐level coursework or alter major requirements.

By making STEM courses more interesting and career‐relevant, institutions can give students a greater sense of confidence, motivation, and professional identification in pursuing a STEM career.

This can include tweaking course design to incorporate more active learning strategies, aligning coursework with local employer needs, or creating opportunities for undergraduate research and internships.


Most of the people become professionals because they undergo to STEM strand. Students can innovate a lot more by studying in this strand and broaden more their knowledge. In other countries they encourage everyone to be parts of STEM strand to excel more and develop more about themselves.

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